Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation to improve domestic gas supply

Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has declared to encourage and improve domestic gas supply by coming up with 4.3 tcf Assa North/Ohaji South Fields (ANOH) in OML 21, functioned by NNPC and joint venture partners along with Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), Total Exploration and Production Nigeria (TEPNG) and Nigeria Agip Oil Company (NAOC).
"The project, when completely developed, is set to add about 600mn scf of gas per day to the national gas grid with a capacity to extend to 1.2 bcf per day", said, Ndu Ughamadu, who is a group general manager of group public affairs division at Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.
Dr Maikanti Baru, a group managing director of the NNPC, reported that "the ANOH project as an unfavourable gas supply hub in Nigeria’s burgeoning gas-infrastructure network designed to provide the connection between the eastern, western and northern gas pipeline system.
Dr Baru further stated that "the successful completion of the multi-faceted project, which is an fundamental part of the 7-Critical Gas Development Projects, would be dependent on a number of critical success factors and enablers which include synergy and teamwork between NNPC and all the important stakeholders.
He continued, "NNPC and its JV partners have worked on all the problems and have come up with a sustainable strategy to develop the substabtial gas resources in Assa North-Ohaji South Fields.
NNPC aims and focuses on to continue to hold on available expertise and capital from its international outreach to undergo a change and deliver on first gas from the project between the last quarter of 2019 and the first quarter of 2020.